opmnctl is the supported tool for starting and stopping all components in an Oracle instance, with the exception of the Fusion Middleware Control Console. opmnctl provides a centralized way to control and monitor system components from the command line.
The opmnctl command exists in two distinct directory location paths:
* ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl: The opmnctl command ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl location can only be used to create an Oracle instance or a component for an Oracle instance on the local system. opmnctl commands generated from this location cannot be used to manage system processes
* ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl: The other opmnctl command which is located in the ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/ directory location provides a per Oracle instance instantiation of opmnctl. The opmnctl command in this location must be used for managing processes for this Oracle instance and can also be used for creating components for the Oracle instance.
opmnctl Command Quick Reference
opmnctl help
usage: opmnctl [verbose] [
verbose: print detailed execution message if available
scope command options
------- --------- ---------
start - Start opmn
startall - Start opmn & all managed processes
stopall - Stop opmn & all managed processes
shutdown - Shutdown opmn & all managed processes
launch [
phantom [
ping [
validate [
help - Print brief usage description
usage [
createinstance - Create an Oracle Instance
createcomponent - Create a specified component
deleteinstance - Delete an instance and components
deletecomponent - Delete a specified component
registerinstance - Register with admin server
unregisterinstance - Unregister with admin server
updateinstanceregistration - Update instance registration
updatecomponentregistration - Update component registration
Ref- http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E12839_01/doc.1111/e14007/opmnctl.htm