To add Forms 11 support to my application Forms Toolkit, I needed to install Oracle WebLogic and Oracle Developer Tools (see download information).
While the installer reported “installation complete” after a couple of minutes, it really spent about 5 hours (on my machine) installing and configuring the software. It’s best to watch the installation log file using a tool like BareTail, because the installer won’t give you much information whether it is still active and what it is doing.
After completion, I tried to start Oracle Forms Builder, but got this error message:
FRM-91129: fatal error in runtime process: no value specified for required environment variable FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH
FRM-91129: Abbruchfehler: Kein Wert für erforderliche Umgebungsvariable FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH angegeben
Forms 11 does not seem to be administered by earlier versions of the Oracle Home Selector, so I had to look for some clues where Forms would get its startup information from.
Open the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ and find a number of subkeys starting with “KEY_OH”. Navigate to the key holding values for ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_HOME_KEY that point to your installation directory.
In Explorer, navigate to the forms\templates\registry directory of your installation (C:\oracle\Middleware\as_1\forms\templates\registry in my case), and open the file formsbuilder.reg in your favorite editor and save under a different name (e.g. my_formsbuilder.reg).
Delete all lines between “REGEDIT4″ and the first line containing the %ORACLE_HOME_REG_KEY% macro. The file now looks like this:
Replace all occurrences of %ORACLE_HOME_REG_KEY% with the value of the registry key ORACLE_HOME_KEY, e.g.
Save the file, and double-click from Explorer. Acknowledge the warning that the .reg file will be merged into the registry, and the successful merge.
You can now start Oracle Forms Builder.
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